Letter: Demolition not restoration wins again

Councillors show disregard to the wishes of the people.Councillors show disregard to the wishes of the people.
Councillors show disregard to the wishes of the people.
Again we arrive at a familiar outcome, certain of our councillors show a disregard as to the wishes of the people, on, in this instance, the Futurist, showing all the dogma of central government, and spending our money.

The sea defences, South Bay pool, North Bay pool, Marvels, Kinderland, St Mary’s hospital, St Thomas’ hospital, Opera House, to name some of the debacles they have inflicted on this town over the years.

Now the proposal to demolish an admittedly-tired building and replace it with a funfair themed attraction when offers of free refurbishment and grants are available.

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Who are the masters and owners of the town’s fabric and who are the servants? Also other areas need addressing, the upper floors and facades of certain buildings in the town centre.

J Wilson

Leighton Close

